LAZISMUJATENG.COM, Turkiye – Muhammadiyah Indonesia’s Emergency Medical Team (EMT) incorporated in the Indonesian Emergency Medical Team (INA-EMT) has entered the second day of disaster response.
Along with 16 other team members, Muhammadiyah volunteers from Central Java were stationed in Hassa City, Hatay Province, Turkey, 685 kilometers from the capital city of Ankara.
1) dr. Eva Delsi Djohar, Sp.EM. (PKU Muhammadiyah Gombong Hospital, Kebumen), 2) Naziat Fatchur, S.Kep. (PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar Hospital), 3) Apt. Nur Adı Wibowo, S.Farm. (PKU Muhammadiyah Gombong Hospital, Kebumen), 4) Donny Halim Mutiasa (MDMC Central Java – Kendal), 5) Huda Khairun Nahar, S.Pd. (MDMC Central Java – Magelang), 6) Noto Prasetyo (MDMC Central Java – Kendal), 7) Muhammad Taufiq Ulinuha (MDMC Central Java – Temanggung/Kendal), and 8) Surya Prima (MDMC Central Java – Kendal) are team members who served with other members of the Muhammadiyah EMT Team and INA-EMT for the next 14 days.
According to the timeline presented by the Indonesian Ambassador to Turkey Dr. Lalu Muhammad Iqbal, today, Wednesday (15/02/2023) has a plan for all Indonesian emergency hospital health facilities have been established and ready to be used for tomorrow’s services.”Thank you to all elements that have joined INA-EMT, either from the National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BNPB), Ministry of Health, Non-Governmental Organization, Indonesian National Armed Force, Indonesian National Police, and others. Hopefully this humanitarian mission can take place well and as expected,” said Lalu.Yesterday, Muhammadiyah volunteers from Central Java also met with Dr. Lalu Muhammad Iqbal and he was warmly welcomed. Considering, Mr. Ambassador is also a Muhammadiyah cadre who has a diaspora in the realm of nationality.ntil today it is reported that 41,142 people have been killed by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, 35,418 in Turkey and 5,714 in Syria.The 7.8 magnitude earthquake also affected infrastructure in Türkiye. It is reported that 24,921 buildings were damaged in southern and southeastern Türkiye.
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